Episode 121

Published on:

11th Apr 2024

Sleep, Weight-Loss & getting Out of the Rut - Turning Point Interview with Elaine Hudson

It's episode121.  

In this episode, I re-share a great interview with client and Midlife Reshape Member Elaine Hudson. Elaine shares her amazing journey which started with a realisation that she was stuck in a rut and not making the most of life. After tackling her sleep quality, this led to a snowball of positive changes in her life leading Elaine to get into running, power-lifting, wild camping, hiking and open water swimming amongst other things. Elaine also lost 5 stone in weight and is an outdoor convert.

Elaine Hudson. Elaine, a lawyer, has been on an amazing journey from realising she was stuck in a work-couch-tv rut, to embarking on a health improvement goal, improving sleep, losing 5 stone in weight and discovering the adventures are only just beginning.

Elaine’s Hiking Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elaine_hudson_hiking/

Elaine’s Training and Lifting Instagram -https://www.instagram.com/elaine_hudson_training/

This episode aired back in July of 2022

David Algeo is a Restless Midlifer, searching for answers and adventure. His mission is to help other like minded midlifers reshape their weight, health and life - reaguining a zest for adventure for midlife and beyond.

Dave's approach to making changes in life, health and direction, are rooted in his 'sprout sweater philosophy. Check out his 'Crackerjack' video here https://youtu.be/OZM4ObMSu6U to learn more about the basic metaphor. Check out episodes 30 and 31 to learn more about Dave's approach.

Visit podcast or search for 'Midlife Reshape' in your favourite podcast feed. To find out more about the podcast, and episode show notes visit https://midlifereshape.com/podcast/. Drop Dave a line at dave@restlessmidlifer.com to ask questions, offer feedback or suggestions for future podcast content.

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About the Podcast

The Midlife Reshape
Weight, Health & Life Back On Your Terms
Finding you have drifted into midlife, put on a few pounds or more, and just don't feel comfortable in your own skin? Wondering how you got there and asking yourself 'Is This It?.' This podcast is for you. Bite-sized thoughts, hints, and ideas to help you get back on track with your weight-loss, work-life balance and wellbeing. 'Regroup' (get your head back from stress), 'Reshape' (your health, lose weight and regain a sense of confidence in your own skin), and 'Redesign' (your life getting it back on your terms).

About your host

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Dave Algeo